The 10th Israel Machine Vision Conference (IMVC) took place on March 18, 2019 at Pavilion 10, EXPO Tel Aviv.
Ofir Bibi spoke at a conference on “Sky Replacement in Video”.
Who hasn’t gotten an image or video with some dull skies taking up most of the space?
Professionals may edit these videos using advanced and time-consuming tools, to replace the sky with a more expressive or imaginative sky.
In this work, we propose an algorithm for automatic replacement of the sky region in a video with a different sky.
The method is fast, achieving close to real-time performance on mobile devices and can be fully automatic.
Joint work with Tavi Halperin, Harel Cain and Michael Werman. To be presented at Eurographics 2019.

Ofir Bibi is the director of research at Lightricks. His research is in the fields of machine learning, statistical signal processing, computational photography and computer graphics. He has taken leading research positions in building systems for estimation and prediction of various signals from weather, electricity consumption and financial markets to photos, videos and auditory signals. Currently he is focused on ways to create consistent results from neural networks in a resource constraint environment.
For Ofir Bibi’s presentation click here
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